Ping search engines IndexNow

A simple HTML form for site owners who want to send a notification to the search engine about adding, changing, deleting a certain page on their site, according to the documentation published on the page:

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19 october 2021
A simple HTML form for site owners who want to send a notification to the search engine about adding, changing, deleting a specific page on their site, according to the documentation published on the page:

How it works?

1. Select a search engine to ping.
2. Paste the link to the page on your site that you want to tell the search engine about.
3. Insert the secret key to interact with the search engine, which you created according to the documentation (link above)
4. Click the "Submit" button.

A link of the correct format will be created from the data you entered (according to the IndexNow documentation, a page with this link will open in a new tab - a request with your information will be sent.

In the case of Yandex, if successful, the page displays the message "success: true", Bing is an empty page. (HTTP response code 200)

Close the new tab and do not open it again, so as not to duplicate the request (it is not recommended to duplicate requests).

You can paste in a special field on this page another link to another page of your site and click the "Submit" button again to send a new request.

Close this page when finished.

Please note that after sending requests, links to the pages that you opened may remain in your browser history. If you open them again, the request will be repeated, this should not be done. To avoid this, you can clear the browser history for the last hour or activate the "Incognito" mode from the very beginning, open this page in incognito mode, and close it after the end of the work. Links that you opened in incognito mode are not saved in your browser history.


According to IndexNow's documentation, the key for submitting site requests is secret and will not be disclosed. Potentially, knowing the key that another site uses, you can send false requests on its behalf (falsely inform the search engine about adding or removing pages on this site).
The form on this page is designed in such a way that it generates a link of the correct format from the data you entered and immediately opens it in a new tab, avoiding the transfer of data from the form to the internal systems of this site.
However, in order to avoid misunderstandings and false doubts, immediately after finishing work with this form, you can (recommend) change the secret key that you entered into this form (this can be done repeatedly at any time. Thus, the key that you entered into this form form and which may have remained as part of the links in your browser history will become invalid.

Read more about the IndexNow system on the official website and in the review at UNILA RU: "System for indexing pages IndexNow - how it works. We understand and try"

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